Who/What should I bring for my first FREE Trial class?

For attending your FIRST free trial class the participant must complete any required forms either online or at the academy reception. If the participant is under 18yo they must be accompanied by their parent/guardian for the beginning of the class. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the class to fill up any forms that may be required (with id) and bring a water bottle, towel and arrive in footwear.

What Should I Wear for my First Class?

If you have any other BJJ Gi (uniform) you are able to use that for your free trial class (as long as it follows our uniform rules). Otherwise wearing a T-shirt and shorts or exercise pants; something you don’t mind being ripped or stretched. Avoid using any clothing that has pockets or zippers. Please attend using any footwear and don’t forget to bring a water bottle and towel.

Do you have Beginner Classes?

Yes, we have BJJ beginner classes that cover the basics and fundamentals of BJJ. These Beginners Classes are open to anyone of any level, Teens & Adult Classes are for beginners too. No-Gi, Self Defence, and MMA are open to all students and will be grouped based on their skill level.

Can Parents Watch the Class?

Yes, we encourage parents to watch their kids during their classes as we believe it's important that parents know what is being taught to their kids and have them see our curriculum and how it’ll positively impact their child. We only ask that no photos or videos are taken and for no sideline coaching.

Are there any Uniform Policies for Visitors?

Yes, there are very few Uniform policies that we ask visitors to follow. All participants must use either Full; White, Blue, or Black Gis (uniforms), visitors should have no patches from other teams/gyms. For No-Gi sessions we ask everyone to use Black, White or Ranked Rashguards and Black or White Shorts with no pockets, zippers or belts (spats underneath are optional too).

Do I have to spar in my first session?

Sparring in class is optional and never required though it is recommended.

What age can my kids do MMA?

MMA Classes are run for Teens & Adults (10yo and above) but we ask that teens that attend the MMA Class organise a partner beforehand to have the best MMA Class experience. All participants are recommended to have any martial arts background.

Is there a female class/program?

In the meantime we currently don’t have a Female Class program and only have mixed classes though we may introduce these in the future. In classes we try to pair up females together unless they decide to mix with others.